
The Roberts Boyt Portal allows secure communication of sensitive data. With 5G, FaceTime, Zoom, and Team Meetings, emails and all other communication channels have to be secure.


We contact people by phone. We see them face to face. Information is transmitted electronically and securely through designated channels. Making sure that we have the best lines of communication adds value to you the consumer, and allows us the adviser to deliver your stated outcomes.

Vulnerabilities. We know our clients. For those who can not access these secure electronic facilities, we do it the old fashioned way. In person. Ink and paper.

Data is stored securely on the portal and is available to you 24/7. It acts as a digital vault. In case your device is lost or stolen, as it is a portal it is not stored on your device for others to access. We will contact you on your preferred form of communication.

Make a call at Roberts Boyt, and see how we can help you today!

Take the first step to better financial management

Our 2-step security process ensures your financial information is fully safeguarded; once the fact find is completed our team will aim to be in touch within 24 hours!
